The Baker
my name is jill
and i love to bake!
...and cook, and keep things organized, and journal, and read, and take photos, and sing...these are the things I'm passionate about. I am a mom of 4 and I have a career that I also love very much. so my days are full!
how do I find time to make macarons, too? well, that's a great question, and I'm not really sure of the answer...but all I can say is baking and creating are so therapeutic and (actually!) pretty relaxing!
last year, my co-worker and friend had a tray of macarons that she was handing out to everyone (bless her) and I tried one that day for the very first time. I remember thinking, "how have I lived this long and never known about these things?!" I went to the place where she bought them after work, and they were sold out. so I looked online and really couldn't find anywhere that had them.
I thought to myself, "well, I'll just bake them, then!" (can't be that hard! lol)
I was hooked. from that day to this, I have been baking, creating, tasting hee hee and enjoying every moment of this journey. I have met so many great people who also love macarons as much as I do, and I'm excited to continue baking for you!
Just a home baker
in my kitchen as often as i can be
I don't bake every day, (as I mentioned earlier, I work full time out of house) so I typically bake macs on the weekends. with that being said, I will do my best to fill your special orders for weekday events or for occasions, so just send me a quick text!